Scalp Micro

Thinking of going for your SMP Procedure, but you’re not totally sure what it entails? Worried about it being painful? Then just give Lisa a call and she will be able to answer all of your questions… 

Some Of My Work -

SMP For Men

This procedure is growing in popularity and even top celebs have had it done such as Vin Diesel and Jamie Fox. SMP is fast becoming one of the most popular cosmetic treatments for men in the UK.

The art of Scalp Micropigmentation is not easy and requires skill, the best training, and a meticulous eye for detail which Lisa heritage has in abundance.

SMP is the only alternative to a hair transplant and in many cases, it can look much better. It is also comparatively more affordable than a hair transplant too. SMP can also camouflage scars and alopecia. One of the most common uses of SMP is to camouflage hair transplant scars.  

In many cases men express that SMP makes them look younger and completely changes their appearance for the better.  We believe SMP compliments your features and bone structure.

SMP For Women

Female pattern baldness in general can be caused by age or hormonal fluctuations as well as other reasons. In general, balding in men is accepted however for women it is much more difficult. Lisa can use Scalp Micropigmentation to give density to thinning hair and baldness. This will achieve the scalp not being seen so easily through thinning and baldness.

We understand how this can make someone feel. We combine compassion and expertise to achieve the desired look for the customer. We have been told by many women that after having the procedure they feel they have their self confidence restored.

In terms of the procedure, it is much the same for women as it is men although most women do not experience a completely bald head on the whole the most common use is for thinning areas so that the scalp is not visible through long hair.


The treatment of SMP is the only non-surgical alternative to a hair transplant to give guaranteed results instantaneously, further to this there is very little downtime so you can expect to go back to work the next day or even the same day in many cases. In terms of how long it takes this can depend on many factors, however you can expect to spend 3-5 hours in treatment over a course of around 3-4 visits.

The process aims to build more and more density with every visit, the first visit being a light scatter and every subsequent visit aiming to build more density and realism. The whole process is completely customisable to the suit client needs right from the hairline design to the areas covered and colours of pigments.

SMP is almost painless with customers describing just mild discomfort, a 3 out of 10 or even no pain at all at.

A Permanent Solution For Balding!

About Me

I am a specialised SMP artist,  I am trained to the industries highest standards and based in Chudleigh between Newton Abbot and Exeter not far from Torquay. I originally set up The Permanent Make up studio specifically doing Semi Permanent make up, however I soon discovered the world of scalp micropigmentation (smp) otherwise known as a ‘’hair tattoo’.  I discovered that I had a natural flare for the technique and I am now one of the very few SMP artists in the South West of the UK.

What Is Scalp Micropigmentation or SMP? 

SMP is the process of tattooing tiny hair follicles on the clients dermal layer of the skin on your head giving the appearance of a shaven head as opposed to a shiny bald or balding head, not only can SMP do this it can also add density to thinning hair by repeating the same process under the clients hair in the thinning areas.

See more of my videos by clicking the icon below –



Contact The Permanent Makeup Studio below or give us a call where one of our P.M Technicians will be happy to discuss the process from here!



When speaking with the P.M Technician you will have an option to arrange a booking and schedule a free consultation to visit the studio in Chudleigh.



During the free consultation at the studio we will run over any queries, questions or concerns that you may have regarding treatment or aftercare.



Once you’re happy with the process and fully understand what will be required during treatment we can proceed to book in a time and date for treatment.



You’re big day is finally here. Arrive at The Permanent Makeup Studio at the time confirmed in the booking. We will summarise everything involved before treatment.



After the successful application of Scalp Micropigmentation we will run over the aftercare process with you, so that you understand what you can and can’t do. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a Question?

You can find most answers to your questions right on this page.

I am trained to the industry highest standards so prices are charged per session and range from £300-£1000 per session. This will be discussed at consultation.

Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-invasive treatment that uses detailed micro-needles to deposit pigment into the scalp. The result creates the appearance of tiny hair follicles that help thicken and restore the look of fuller hair.

Scalp micropigmentation is considered a permanent treatment. The treatment can last for up to 6 years or more depending on how the procedure was performed and how it’s taken care of in the following years.

No, the scalp micropigmentation treatment will not grow your hair back. However, the SMP treatment will give you the look of short hair or a tight buzz-cut. We recommend keeping your hair at a shorter length to create the most natural outcome.

No, the scalp micropigmentation treatment will not grow your hair back. However, the SMP treatment will give you the look of short hair or a tight buzz-cut. We recommend keeping your hair at a shorter length to create the most natural outcome.

No, you will not regret it. But in case it is not done well, you will.

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